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The Wayshower
Association, Inc

P. O. Box 1737
Mechanicsville, VA. 23116
PH: 804-550-4609 info@wayshower.org

These websites are highly recommended for those following a spiritual path and for those interested in psychic development and intuition-related subjects.

The premiere site is www.edgarcayce.org. It contains over 14,000 actual readings of Edgar Cayce, also known as the sleeping prophet, who is the most documented psychic in the world. The readings cover an incredibly wide variety of subjects from health, dreams, astrology, intuition, prophecy, present and past life, etc.

This site also presents seminars and reference materials based on those readings. The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) was founded in Virginia Beach, Virginia in 1931 to further research on these readings and to increase awareness in others of the messages in those readings. It now has members around the world. The A.R.E. has many outreach services: international fellowship, spiritual growth groups, prayer network, prison program and regional activities. It also offers tours and cruises to specific areas of the world that have historical, spiritual or metaphysical significance tied to unique insights found in the Cayce readings (please see www.edgarcayce.org/tours).

The A.R.E. hosts The Cayce/Reilly School in massage therapy, which offers a thorough and lengthy program in massage and the mind-body-spirit connection. For more information, that site is www.edgarcayce.org/massageschool.

The A.R.E. is currently expanding the original hospital building to offer more treatments based on the Cayce health readings, by far the majority of the readings and as applicable today as when given. Many of the treatments have easy to follow self-care information which allow you to apply the Cayce approach at home for specific diseases from acne to vitiligo. Cayce care products, can also be found at www.baar.com. For more information, please see www.edgarcayce.org.hrc.treatmentplan.

Also part of the A.R.E. is the Atlantic University, which offers a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Studies, accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council and licensed by The Commonwealth of Virginia’s Council of Higher Education. The program is designed for adults interested in exploring the entire self, introducing the student to the many dimensions of holistic living and encouraging the process of personal growth. Concentrated areas of study have been created for students who wish to focus their attention in: Creativity, Art & the Transpersonal; The Feminine & the Transpersonal; Spiritual Guidance Mentor Training and Studies in Transpersonal Psychology. For more information, please refer to www.atlanticuniversity.edu.

Within A.R.E. and Atlantic University, the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies (ECIIS) was formed to provide a means for focusing on the value of intuition and for promoting research and training on intuitive development. It provides a society in which intuition is valued, shared and applied for the spiritual and daily well-being of humanity. In practical terms, the focus will be upon helping intuition move from an inner, private reality to becoming a visible, active agent in the affairs of society, following the inspiration of the life and work of Edgar Cayce. Its headquarters are virtual at www.edgarcayce-intuitionschool.org. For an online intuition training course, see www.eciis.org. It is the most the most comprehensive intuition development course offered on the internet.



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